ucsd keeling apartments

This 500 bed student dormitory, named in honor of Dr. Charles David Keeling - the American scientist whose research at Scripps Institution first alerted the world to human impact on global atmospheric carbon - captures all roof and site area rainfall in an elegant system of vegetated roofs, conveyance channels, and bioswales that work together with an on-site gray water filtration and innovative building design to make it the first  LEED-NC Platinum certified housing project in the University of California System.

The site design establishes a high benchmark for sustainability and stormwater management in the coastal desert climate of San Diego.  The project reveals the usually invisible, underground storm drainage infrastructure - now beautifully integrated with outdoor amenities for the students, giving them a front seat to rushing streams during the dramatic winter storm events.  This infrastructure filters the run-off from rooftops and parking lots that was previously discharged untreated directly into the ocean.


commissioned by

University of California San Diego

design team

Marty Poirier FASLA while Partner at Spurlock Poirier
Kieran Timberlake Architects
Nasland Engineering


Tim Griffith | Marshall Williams | Marty Poirier


getty center picnic garden


bolsa chica state beach