caltrans district 11 headquarters

Befitting its transportation mission, the Caltrans District 11 headquarters sits at the ancient and historic crossroads of the San Diego River and the California coast. The 11-acre Wadie P. Deddeh State Office Building campus is covered with reintroduced native and culturally significant trees. The entry plaza paving patterns and ‘Nexus Eucalyptus’ sculpture proudly herald the road building mission of caltrans combining the graceful engineered arcs of freeway interchanges and dendritic road networks to make welcoming space for visitors and quiet respite for staff.


commissioned by

State of California

design team

Laura Burnett as Partner with Wallace Roberts & Todd
Carrier Johnson + Culture | Prime Consultant
‘Nexus Eucalyptus’ Roman DiSalvo, Artist
Clark Construction


Henry Cabala, Laura Burnett


arlington national cemetery


north embarcadero esplanade